Structural Engineering and Materials Research

Tandon’s structural engineering and materials division offers some of the most innovative learning and research opportunities addressing critical needs of the infrastructure community. These include high-performance material and structural components and systems such as bridges, buildings, and levees; condition assessment of infrastructure performance; sensing and monitoring of aging and degradation; and global information systems for natural hazards and their impact on the built environment.  

CUE students site visit

Research at NYU Tandon’s CUE aims to develop materials solutions to meet the challenges in civil engineering infrastructure with a focus on sustainability and resiliency. We take an interdisciplinary approach to studying the microstructure, chemistry, and mechanics of materials and employ both experimental and analytical tools to enhance materials performance for a wide range of applications. We believe that our work will have an impact on the development of a safer, greener and more durable civil engineering infrastructure.

Areas of research for:

Structural Engineering

  • Structural analysis for static and dynamic loads
  • Design of structure for longevity
  • High-performance materials and structural systems
  • Soil structure interaction
  • Structural Health Monitoring

Materials Engineering

  • Green chemistry of cementitious materials to reduce carbon foot-print (e.g. recycled glass concrete, carbon sequestering infrastructure materials from solid wastes)
  • Fiber-reinforced polymer composites for waterfront environments, including drive-ability, durability, and creep of plastic piling;
  • Sensing and materials health monitoring (Opto-chemical sensing for high pH mapping in concrete)
  • Resilient cement composites for structural protection (e.g. Impact and blast attenuating multi-phase cement-matrix composites)
  • Non-cracking concrete materials
  • Chemo-mechanics and chemical durability of concrete (e.g. ASR, freeze-thaw without air entrainment)
  • Emerging concrete technology (e.g. Conductive, thermo-storing concretes, 3-D printing ultra-high performance concrete)

Research Groups and Faculty

Composite Materials and Mechanics Laboratory

CMML focuses on research related to lightweight highly damage tolerant materials and aims at understanding the fundamental role of porosity in materials. The specialty of the lab is in the area of hollow particle filled composites called syntactic foams and in dynamic characterization of materials.

Rigidly Framed Earth Retaining Structures

A simple method that can be used to determine the lateral deflections of rigidly framed structures is presented to0 simplify the design process and provide an efficient means to verify computer-aided calculations. The method is suitable for low-rise rigidly framed structures subjected to a variety of lateral force distributions varying with the height of the frame.