Technology Management and Innovation

We live and work in an increasingly knowledge-intensive age.

Exterior of Dibner Building with an overlay of interconnected nodes

Managers now need to understand just how essential technology and innovation can be for delivering value to organizations and the marketplace.

The Department of Technology Management and Innovation is devoted to training graduates to be successful in every aspect of the modern knowledge economy, from the strategic to the behavioral, organizational, and social.

If you’ve ever wanted to be involved in tech entrepreneurship and commercialization, global innovation and R&D strategy, the leadership of distributed and virtual organizations, or other 21st-century opportunities, Technology Management and Innovation might be the course of study for you.


Degrees and Programs

Business and Technology Management, B.S.

Oriented toward current and future high growth arenas, the Business and Technology Management (BTM) trains business leaders of tomorrow. You’ll become deeply familiar with technology and innovation and work in diverse venues.

Management of Technology, M.S.

The master's in Management of Technology program is designed for college graduates and professionals who aim to make a difference in a world where economic and social advancement is increasingly dependent on integrating technology and business.

Industrial Engineering, M.S.

The master's in Industrial Engineering program teaches you to search for similarities in concepts, laws, and models across disciplines. From there, it’s up to you to adapt, integrate, and exploit these similarities in innovative ways.

BS/MS Track in TMI

Accelerate career opportunities while saving time and money with the BS/MS track


in Technology Management and Innovation