Step 2: Review Locations - NYU Study Away (Global Sites & Campuses)

At the university level, students are given unparalleled opportunities to expand their educational experiences with an integrated, globally designed curricular experience. They have the freedom to move with ease between locations within NYU's global network. It is quite possible to find students spending a semester in Buenos Aires and from there going to Berlin for another. With careful planning and working closely with their advisers, students can make sure they're taking all the major courses and electives needed to graduate on time. Visit the NYU Study Away website for more information.
Who is this program for?
This program is ideal for college sophomores and juniors who wish to spend a semester or an academic year living and learning in an exciting and culturally diverse location on six continents around the world.
The various sites offer specialized courses and quality academics from renowned faculty, guaranteed housing and a supportive full-time staff, cultural engagement, day trips and weekend excursions, as well as scholarships and financial aid.
Tandon students are encouraged to study abroad at any of the NYU Global Sites and Campuses, However, depending on your major, some sites offer specific Tandon courses to help you meet the academic needs of your degree requirements more easily. Below are some common locations Tandon students have taken to complete major requirements while also taking classes that meet their Humanities and Social Science requirements. Many such courses in economics, English, public health, history, math, politics, and psychology are offered at all sites. Remember, these ARE NOT your only options and you should refer back to your major's 4 Year Plan and the Office of Global Programs' Global Study Planner to decide which location works best with your interests and that compliments your degree completion progress the best.
Access the Office of Global Programs Global Study Planner to determine which courses/subjects are offered at each location each semester.
Common Locations for Tandon Students to Attend:
NYU London
- Waves, Optics and Thermodynamics (PH-UY 2033G): This is the third course of a three-semester lecture sequence in general physics for science and engineering students. Water, sound and electromagnetic waves. Reflection, scattering and absorption. Standing waves and spectra. Superposition, diffraction and beats. Geometrical optics. Introduction to thermodynamics; temperature, heat, and entropy.
- General Physics Laboratory II (PH-UY 2131G, Corequisite with PH-UY 2033G): This is the second course of two-semester sequence. Continuation of the introduction to the science of measurement and data analysis. Experiments cover topics from PH-UY 2023 and PH-UY 9033.
- Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (MA-UY 2034G): This course is an introduction to ordinary differential equations and linear algebra. The course develops the techniques for the analytic and numeric solutions of ordinary differential equations (and systems) that are widely used in modern engineering and science. Linear algebra is used as a tool for solving systems of linear equations as well as for understanding the structure of solutions to linear (systems) of differential equations. Topics covered include the fundamental concepts of linear algebra such as Gaussian elimination, Matrix Theory, linear transformations, vector spaces, subspaces, basis, eigenvectors, eigenvalues and the diagonalization of matrices, as well as the techniques for the analytic and numeric solutions of ordinary differential equations (and systems) that commonly appear in modern engineering and science.
- Waves, Optics and Thermodynamics (PH-UY 2033G): This is the third course of a three-semester lecture sequence in general physics for science and engineering students. Water, sound and electromagnetic waves. Reflection, scattering and absorption. Standing waves and spectra. Superposition, diffraction and beats. Geometrical optics. Introduction to thermodynamics; temperature, heat, and entropy.
NYU Abu Dhabi
NYU Shanghai
All students that are interested in studying abroad through NYU Study Away must be enrolled in an undergraduate program at NYU, have completed on full year of study in NY at the time of departure, and maintain a recommended cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
Application Process
Please visit the NYU Study Away Applying webpage for more information.
Note: If you encounter trouble when trying to submit your application, first save the application as it is and then clear your cache (go into your browser tools menu and select the clear history/clear browsing data/clear cache option). Then, close all of your browser windows, reopen the browser, and log back into your application. In almost all cases, this will allow you to submit your application. If you try this and continue to have trouble, please email and they will help you.
Language Requirements
NYU is committed to ensuring that students are immersed as much as possible in local cultures when they study abroad. This commitment is reflected in the mandatory language instruction at seven GNU locations: Berlin, Buenos Aires, Florence, Madrid, Paris, Shanghai, and Tel Aviv. At these sites, students are required to take either a language course for a letter grade or (if they have already achieved advanced proficiency) a content course taught in the language of the host country. Language courses at Tandon count as Free Elective credit only unless they are content classes. For instance, if you take a History of China course taught in Chinese, it can count as a HUSS or a Free elective. Elementary Chinese I will only count as a Free elective.
Students are encouraged to review the Recommendations for Language Study in NYU's Global Network.
Learn more about application deadlines on the Global Programs website. It is always recommended to apply by the priority deadline date since many sites will reach capacity after then.
NYU Office of Global Programs
383 Lafayette St.
New York, NY 10003
P: 212-998-4433
F: 212-995-4103
Note: Each NYU Global Academic Center has a representative in NY that can best assist you with questions that are site specific including questions about housing, meal plans, and specific courses. Visit Global Academic Centers to find out who they are