Masoud Ghandehari ,

  • Professor of Urban Systems Engineering


Masoud Ghandehari serves on the Faculty of Civil and Urban Engineering at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering and is an associate faculty at the NYU Center for Urban Science and Progress. His research focus is on urban systems engineering and the application of advanced instrumentation and data analysis targeting the aging, health and performance of infrastructure systems. Through the application of sensing, and modeling, he works on methodologies that generate data on the interaction of physical, natural and human systems in cities.His research in optical spectroscopy, sensing, imaging, and data analytics has led to the development of applications and technologies suitable for diverse environments and multiple scales; ranging from the molecular to the urban landscape. Professor Ghandehari is author of Optical Phenomenology and Applications: Health Monitoring for Infrastructure Materials and the Environment, 2018, the founding investigator of the New York State Resiliency Institute for Storm Events, and founder of Chromosense LLC., which is supported by the National Institutes of Health for innovation in environmental sensing. 


Research Interests
Quantitative assessment & modeling of urban thermodynamics, Spectroscopic imaging of urban atmosphere, IOT & Urban Sensing, Emissions & correlative factors impacting pollution exposure, Data driven characterization of systems interdependencies

Columbia University 1988
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering & Applied Mechanics

McGill University 1993
Master of Science, Civil Engineering

Northwestern University 1998
Doctor of Philosophy, Civil and Environmental Engineering

New York University, Tandon School of Engineering
Department of Civil and Urban Engineering

Associate Professor
September 1999 to present

Center for Urban Science and Progress
Associate Faculty
January 2013 to present

Northwestern University
Post Doctoral Fellow
December 1998 to July 1999

Weidlinger Associates, New York
April 1989 to June 1991

Geiger and Associates, New York
June 1988 to April 1989



Method for Mapping Distribution of High pH, (Pending)

Technology for detection of hazardous substances, (Provisional)


Research News

August 7, 2024

August 13, 2021

Research Centers, Labs, and Groups