Resources for Students
Access a variety of career services created just for Tandon Students
From the moment you become a Tandon student, our office partners with you to create a roadmap to help prepare you for your career. We provide training, resume review, assistance with your job search, as well as opportunities to meet with employers.

Reserve an Interview Room
Undergraduate and Graduate students can reserve an interview room at the Tandon Career Hub for their upcoming interviews.
We have 3 rooms that can be reserved for your phone or video Interviews. All bookings are automatically confirmed on a first-come first-served basis.
Your Job Search Journey
Specialized Bootcamps
LeetCode Bootcamp
The LeetCode Bootcamp is offered to all NYU Tandon students who wish to practice and prepare for upcoming coding interviews. Our instructors are highly familiar with Big Tech coding interview formats and questions and provide valuable insights to ensure that students have sufficient knowledge and preparation. The bootcamp takes place twice a week and students may choose between different sessions based on their class schedules/availability. New topics are covered weekly.
Data Science Bootcamp
The Data Science Bootcamp is offered to all NYU Tandon students who wish to practice and prepare for upcoming data science technical interviews. Our instructors are highly familiar with data science interview formats and questions and provide valuable insights to ensure that students have sufficient knowledge and preparation. The bootcamp takes place twice a week and students may choose between different sessions based on their class schedules/availability. New topics are covered weekly.
Our Services & Career Programming
1-on-1 Career Coaching
We offer students one-on-one career coaching sessions. Appointments can be scheduled on Handshake and the discussion topics range from resume review, mock interviews, job search strategy and general career exploration help. Students may schedule up to 1 appointment per week with a career coach through Handshake.
Career Workshops
We offer a variety of workshops to help you advance your career. Some of the many workshops we host are:
- Get Ready for the Job/Internship Search
- How To Develop Your Networking Skills
- Making The Most of the NYU Tandon Career Fair
- How To Develop Your Networking Skills
- Nail that Interview
- Salary Negotiation
- Finding A Job/Internship
- Making a Great First Impression
Drop-in Hours
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 2:00 - 4:00pm
Come for snacks, and stay for up to 10 minutes to ask quick questions about your resume, job or internship search, or anything else career-related!
2 MetroTech Center, 10th Floor [Room 1044]
Employer Info Sessions
Throughout the academic year, and especially during the busy recruitment season (Sept-Nov and February-April), employers from all industries come to NYU Tandon to meet, interview and propose on-the-spot offers to NYU Tandon students.
Students looking for an internship or a job are highly encouraged to sign up for these sessions, through Handshake and to schedule a coaching session with one of our career coaches to ensure they are ready for the on-campus meetings with employers.
Career Resources
Career Resources for International Students
- NYU's Job Search Guide for International Students is a guide created by the Office of Global Services, the Wasserman Center for Career Development, and the Tandon Career Hub to help international students navigate the US job search
- Interstride is the premiere source for international students looking for jobs and internships. Interstride provides information on companies who are sponsor and offer webinars on for search strategies.
- GoinGlobal offers career guides broken down by country and include an H1B database for international students seeking jobs in the United States
Career Resources for Diverse Student Populations
- Check out Wasserman's Career Programs for International Students
- Black in Engineering
Black in Engineering supports Black faculty, researchers, practitioners, and students in all areas of engineering, with an emphasis on taking action to change oppressive systems.
- Black in Robotics
Non-profit organization for Black and African American professionals in robotics.
- Black Women in AI
Black Women in AI centers Black Women working, learning, and advocating in the Artificial Intelligence sector.
- Black Women in Data
Black Women in Data (BWD) centers Black women's point of view in all spaces where data lives, offer opportunities for Black women to expand their data skills, and communicate issues and recommendations critical to Black women's advancement in the data workforce.
- Latinas in STEM
Latinas in STEM is comprised of graduates and professionals in STEM careers. Their primary goal is to create awareness of STEM and to inspire and empower Latina students in the primary and secondary grades, especially in underserved communities, to pursue a STEM career.
- LatinX in AI
The LatinX in AI (LXAI) bridges communities, academics, industry, and politicians working to further AI innovation and resources for LatinX individuals globally.
- National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)
NOBCChE is a non-profit professional organization dedicated to assisting Black and other BIPOC students and professionals in fully realizing their potential in academic, professional, and entrepreneurial pursuits in chemistry, chemical engineering, and allied fields.
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is a non-profit association that is owned and managed by its members. The organization is dedicated to the academic and professional success of African-American engineering students and professionals. NSBE offers its members leadership training, professional development, mentoring opportunities, career placement services and more! (Check out Tandon's NSBE chapter)
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM), Inc. is a non-profit professional association for LGBTQ+ people in the STEM community. (Check out Tandon's oSTEM group here!)
- Out to Innovate
Out to Innovate empowers LGBTQ+ individuals in STEM by providing education, advocacy, professional development, networking, and peer support.
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
SACNAS is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
SHPE is the nation's largest organization celebrating and fostering Hispanic/Latinx leadership in the STEM field.
- Society of STEM Women of Color (SSWOC)
The Society of STEM Women of Color is an membership-based organization for women of color in STEM within the United States.
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is a not-for-profit educational organization that empowers women to succeed in the field of engineering
Semi-annual Career Fairs
Our office organizes two two main career fairs, Fall and Spring, during which dozens of employers are in attendance to promote and discuss their internship and job opportunities. All NYU Tandon students are invited and encouraged to attend our career fairs.
For Spring 2025, the Tandon Career Hub is hosting a Virtual Career Fair on Friday, March 14, 12PM-4PM ET. Registration will open in February 2025. For more information on university wide events, learn more about NYU Wasserman's career fairs.
Tech Talks
Throughout the academic year, our office partners with employers to host Tech Talks. These presentations feature organizations who discuss their work, projects as well as various recruitment opportunities that exist for students (internships and jobs). The Tech Talks are followed by a Q&A session and a meet & greet with the employer representatives, with members of the recruitment team usually in attendance as well.