Campus Safety | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Campus Safety

The NYU Department of Campus Safety is committed to providing safety and security for our community and property, enabling the pursuit of academic and professional goals.

Campus Safety in Brooklyn

NYU in Brooklyn’s round-the-clock security coverage is provided by NYU Campus Safety and contract security services.

The safety and security of our community are paramount. Students, faculty, and staff must work together to ensure that the School of Engineering is a safe and comfortable environment for all. Below are ways that we keep our community safe and secure, as well as tips that you can follow for your own safety.

    Visit NYU Campus Safety

    In the event of an emergency, call 911 and/or contact NYU Campus Safety at 212-998-2222.

    ID Cards

    • The Brooklyn NYUCard Center is located inside of 2 MetroTech Center on the ground floor.
    • All members of the community must carry their valid NYU ID card with them at all times. These cards must be scanned at each building entrance. Individuals are required to show their cards upon request to any Institute official.  
    • Using someone else’s ID cards is a violation of the Code of Conduct and will lead to disciplinary sanctions.
    • All guests of NYU Tandon School of Engineering must be signed in by a host. The host is responsible for the actions of their guest. All guests must abide by the policies and procedures of the university.
    • More information about NYU Cards

    Lost and Found

    If you have lost an item or been told that DPS has possession of your item, please call us at 212.998.1305 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays or email us anytime at for assistance.

    MetroTech BID Public Safety

    The School of Engineering's Brooklyn location is within MetroTech, a business and education center. MetroTech Business Improvement District (BID), a non-profit organization, provides security and other services for the area, including:

    • 28 Public Safety Officers with special Patrol/Peace Officer status
    • 24/7 patrols throughout the district
    • Bicycle patrol program
    • 23 closed-circuit TV monitors
    • Sophisticated communications equipment that links BID with the New York Police Department
    • Officer training provided by NYC Police Academy
    • Area Police-Private Security Liaison (APPL) Hub
    • District-wide Emergency Notification System

    Building Hours

    370 Jay, Rogers Hall, Jacobs Academic Building, Dibner Building

    • 24/7 access for students

    2 MetroTech

    • Monday–Friday: 7 am–11 pm
    • Saturday and Sunday: 9 am–5 pm

    Coverage Requests for Special Events

    Security coverage requests for special events can be made through CampusSafetyLink and its Security Staffing Request Form.

    Personal Safety Tips

    We encourage you to be aware of your surroundings, the people you encounter, and your personal property when you are on or off site. Here are some helpful and simple ways to improve your safety.

    If You Live in NYU School of Engineering Dorms

    • Have your ID with you at all times
    • Keep your residence hall room locked
    • Do not lend your keys or ID to anyone
    • If you do bring valuables, store them in your personal room safe
    • Have renters insurance
    • Let people know where you are going
    • Avoid being alone in isolated places such as the basement laundry room, deserted study lounges, etc

    If You Live in the Surrounding Area:

    • Have good locks on your doors and windows — and use them!
    • Do not prop open doors. If someone is supposed to be in the building, they will have access.
    • Do not hide extra keys in easily accessible places
    • Do not let strangers into your home or apartment to use the telephone
    • Have working lights at all entrances and turn them on after dark
    • Let people know where you are going

    When You Are Out

    • Travel in groups, preferably with 3 or more people
    • Don't carry a lot of money
    • Be aware of your surroundings — don't wear headphones, read, talk on the phone, or do anything else that might distract you. If you observe anyone or anything suspicious, walk to where there are other people and call the police.
    • Be careful when using outdoor ATMs at night or in unfamiliar locations
    • Do not get in a car with someone who is sleepy or under the influence
    • Refuse drinks from strangers
    • Never become so intoxicated that you lose consciousness or awareness of your surroundings
    • Avoid taking the train/bus at night alone
    • When taking the subway, try to ride in the car with the conductor and avoid the last car

    General Safety Tips

    • Program emergency contact information into your cell phone under the listing "ICE" (In Case of Emergency) and carry an ICE identification card in your wallet or purse. This can assist first responders in contacting family and friends in the event of an emergency.
    • Do not give out personal information to people you meet online
    • Do not list personal contact info, such as your address, on publicly accessible websites