NYU Robotic Design Team
A team of engineers and innovators participating in a NASA competition who is constantly striving to design and manufacture an automated rover for extraterrestrial excavation

Members here at the New York University Robotics Design Team (NYU RDT) are trained to become well rounded active participants in NASA’s Robotic Mining Competition (NASA RMC). NASA RMC utilizes our disciplines and theories learned in all courses from all majors to design, build and operate – whether that be teleoperation or autonomously – a lunar excavator prototype that will traverse extraterrestrial terrain.
We provide opportunities for every recruit to explore our various competencies, whether that be hands on, or done remotely, through the methodology of Systems Engineering as defined by NASA. That is by identifying and managing technical risks through the integration and coordination of various technical components and competencies.
With such a diverse work field, to ensure the functionality of this project we heavily follow the scrum methodology for project management which is used across many companies and projects.
We are also not a team focused on just constructing a robot, we are also active volunteers in the STEM community by introducing robotics and engineering to traditionally underrepresented groups
Methods & Technology
- Computer Aided Design (Solidworks, EagleCAD …)
- Automated Machining (3D Printing, CNC Milling, Laser Cutting …)
- Hand Machining (Drill, Saw, etc.)
- Programming (Python, Arduino-C, C++)
- Autonomy & ROS
- Printed Circuit Design, Fabrication and Testing
- Electrical Knowledge (Basic: Wire Stripping, Wire Management, etc. || Advanced: Soldering, Power Consumption)
- Systems Engineering
- Scrum
- Material Science
- Communication
- Community outreach
- Project Management
- Systems Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical / Computer Engineering
- Software Engineering (Computer Science)
Areas of Interest
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mathematics
- Any discipline with a passion for the project
- NYU Tandon School of Engineering