Maiya Adolphus

  • B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


UN Sustainability Goals

  • Good Health And Well-Being
  • Quality Education

Areas of Excellence

  • Health
  • Sustainability

Global Challenge: Addressing health disparities in marginalized communities, specifically related to cancer 


I am a sophomore majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. My passion is to promote good quality health and education for all, especially in underserved communities. Although I was born and currently live in Long Island, New York, I grew up in Kennesaw, Georgia and frequently call the South my home. My family is Caribbean, and I am both Jamaican and St. Lucian! 

I have an interest in healthcare and how the institutions that provide medical care can better benefit all people, especially in disadvantaged communities. This passion led me to become a volunteer at NYU Langone Hospital where I aided patients while they received medical care. At NYU, I am actively involved in the National Society of Black Engineers and serve as the Pre-College Initiative (PCI) Chair on the executive board. I believe that education is one of the most valuable skills in our society and as PCI chair, I hope to not only further educate students, but give them the tools and connections they need to succeed in their collegiate and professional careers. I am also a member of the Society of Women Engineers, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, a Student Technician with the Media Services department as well as a Teaching Assistant with the General Engineering department at Tandon! 

In my former research, I studied polymer coil-helix transition in order to understand the behavior of polyethylene to determine how we can better recycle plastics in a more cost efficient and effective manner that is more sustainable for our environment. My recent research interests include cancer and genetics, such as how to formulate medicines and technology that would help or prevent it, and most importantly, how to adequately distribute solutions to communities that need it.

I am incredibly proud and grateful to be a part of the GLASS community and look forward to learning and developing myself to ultimately becoming a better leader for my community.

Outside of school, I enjoy sewing, pottery, or anything crafty related! Also, as I was formerly a cheerleader, I love watching both football and basketball games! This year, I look forward to continuing my education abroad, especially since this will be my first time flying out of the country!